Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Said Reiki 2/12/2022

Melody Ann’s Facebook link

I AM Project Planner: by Melody Allen


Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“Source is the being of love as well as finances! Source loves you and everything! Allow this currency to flow with Grace and gratitude! πŸ’•πŸ€—


~Melody Allen

 said Reiki! 

"Mindfulness and Compassion"

In this article I want to talk about Mindfulness and Compassion, which I believe are two essential components of Reiki practice. Whether we are treating others, working on ourselves, empowering others or living our lives with Reiki, we should grow to embody those two states, the essence of the Reiki precepts.

According to Usui Sensei's surviving students, Mindfulness was taught at First-Degree level, and emphasized further at Second Degree. Mindfulness is a state of living in the moment, of being relaxed, calm and fully engaged in what we are doing. Mindfulness is being aware of what is happening right now and giving ourselves completely to our task without distraction. By learning how to enjoy and be in the present moment we can find peace within ourselves.

I believe we are exhorted to achieve this state by the precepts, where "just for today" we release anger and worry. These are distractions. We don't dwell on the past and beat ourselves up for things that did not go the way we wanted, we do not think about the future and worry about things that have not yet happened. Our reality is illusion. We can learn to release our attachments to the past and the future and just "be" now, content and accepting in the moment. For me, the precepts both represent a goal to work towards, and a description of the effects that Reiki can produce within us, over time, if we work with the energy in a committed, dedicated way.

The final precept, that of being "compassionate towards ourselves and others" is for me an exhortation to be gentle with ourselves, to be patient, to be light-hearted, to not take ourselves quite so seriously and above all to be forgiving - first of all of ourselves but also of others. By accepting and forgiving ourselves we start to release our anger and our worry and move towards a state of contentment in the moment.

The original system was a spiritual path, a path to enlightenment, and the precepts were what Usui Sensei's system was all about. These principles are a foundation for everything we do with Reiki; the states of mindfulness and compassion arise from following the precepts and from working with Reiki.

So both Mindfulness and Compassion are fundamental to our life with Reiki, fundamental to the Reiki precepts, to working on others and working on ourselves. Not surprisingly they are also an essential component of the transmission of Reiki to another person through carrying out Reiki empowerments. Reiki is the 'connection ritual' that Usui Sensei used and taught to his surviving students. It is simple, elegant, and powerful, free from the clutter and detail that surrounds most Western attunement styles. When we perform Reiki, we have no expectations: we are there in the moment with the energy, following the prescribed movements. We are relaxed and fully engaged in what we are doing, aware of what is happening right now, and we give ourselves completely to our task without distraction. That is the essence of Reiki, the essence of treatments, the essence of the precepts, and the essence of our life with Reiki.

"Reiki can change your life. That's a bold statement, isn't it, but it is something many of our students say to us."


More from Reiki articles: articles about Reiki

© Don Beckett August 2003

© Taggart King 2003


Reiki is all about spiritual awakening, Self-realization, Enlightenment. In other words, high vibration. But do we maintain this high vibration between periods of transmitting Reiki -- or do we unconsciously spend most of our time in the valleys of Fear and Anger?


...by raising our vibrational frequency
...by connecting to our Source
...by enhancing awareness and intuition
...by finding balance and true health
--- living by giving ---


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Friday, February 11, 2022

Reiki Said 2/11/22

Melody Ann’s Facebook link

I AM Project Planner by Melody Allen


Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“Truth will set you free! All-things-are-oneness πŸ€—πŸ’•”


~Melody Allen

 said Reiki! 


Author's Page for Melody Allen


When Erasing and Re-Writing messages in the Body, Mind and Spirit with Reiki you have steps to follow. There are a series of places on the Body, Mind and Spirit for this. It is like writing a story, when it comes to making change inside and out, for yourself or others. You can start at the beginning or the end or somewhere in between. When working on self it is easier because one knows self, Sometimes Some do not know self, they know others. Empath’s know others and this is easier, than working on self. 

When we work on our self or others we are removing and replacing information that the Body, Mind and Spirit are making, Creating. WE are always creating something! Sometimes what we are creating is not good for oneself or others. Sometimes what we are Creating is good.  Sometimes it’s doesn’t matter. WE also are removing things with each thought! Whether with intention or with intention in a matter of speaking.  When we as beings, say one thing and think another, we are creating conflict.  Within this conflict the Mind, Body and Spirit will create the strongest thought until we change it, erase/re-writing the thought/vibration.  By removing the thought/vibration of limited thoughts/beliefs, Reiki does rewrite the thought/vibration! The under current comes from the thought/belief needing 21 same thoughts. Sounds easy? It can be… or not. This is the true meaning of “Choice”.

When the new message comes from another and/or yourself, it depends on what is in charge on all 3 levels, is it the driver (Mind) or the passengers (Body) or the trunk (Spirit)? It takes 21 thoughts to change, this can happen at the speed of thought, or it can take 21 days of doing the same thing to change a habit. Either way the New Message continue go through the Body, Mind and Spirit to erase and re-write the original accepted message, to the new message. Usually we do not see it as a habit, when it is an dis-ease…. Or as a bad comfort for you (nail biting, moving constantly, always being late, etc.). The mind repeats the strongest thought. We pray and ask God to change these things… this is a thought that starts inside and comes back from outside. Do you receive the re-writing? That depends on the strongest message inside. We ask Reiki, the life force which is inside (Mind) and outside (Body). So, the inside thoughts go out, then comes back from the Outside. Reiki Sync the outside and inside vibration. Now we have balance!

Body, Mind and Spirit each receive “7’s” times of thought. When the 3 selves are in sync, we have healing (change) going on. When all three are in sync we have three 7’s of thought at once, change is “NOW”.  Where time (Spirit) comes in, it is the third “7” that is deciding on the time it will take or the reject the message. It is the same when you do this for yourself and other beings. Reiki brings you to the state of vibration needed for this. Once your Body, Mind and Spirit accept the change, you are changed in all 21 thoughts.

There are words like release, replace, let go. Language is very fluid… the language you use will depend on what mind will accept. We as beings are always thinking I should use what others are saying… this is true sometimes… Other times we use your own words that mean something to you. Reiki will bring you to balance in this beautiful flow of “7’s”.

Now we will look at how to make the three “7’s” happen in Body, Mind and Spirit!

Erasing Unwanted learned Fear and Re-writing for Balance

Remember, instinctual Fear is a good thing to have, instinctual fear should be balance with understanding/Knowledge (for example: on the cell phone and unaware of walking in front of moving car is a good instinctual fear to have).

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Reiki Said 2/10/2022

Melody Ann’s Facebook link

I AM Project Planner by Melody Allen


Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“May you receive all resources needed in abundance to restore all aspects of your wellness and prosperity with Grace across ALL time, space and Dimensions.”


~Melody Allen

 said Reiki! 

The Reiki I would start with for a fever



Step 1. Center yourself with the White Light. Aligning the room and table/chair with “Johre” White light; then Align yourself. Bringing your Reiki Fire up from the Banked position.

Step 2. Step into the Auric field, becoming one with the being you are working on. If you are working on yourself step inside of yourself.

Step 3. As you start working at the Head or Feet first; face up or down first; or in the chair, you will bring other symbols of Reiki into this Place, this being. In this situation I’ll bring these symbols into this scenario… this is an example. Remembering to bring something for the “Pain” of a fever as well.

Step 4. I would start with these hand positions on the front and back of the being.

1. Throat 2. Chest 3. Kidneys 4. Stomach 5. Intestines 6. Bladder 7. Head 8. Feet top and bottom.

Step 5. After I have done the Traditional Hand position, I would continue with the Body Talk and see/feel what else was needed.  

Step 6. The next step I would step into Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen, with this symbol I would begin to work though time.  Meaning 1-minute equals 1 hour or 1-minute equals 1 day.  You would set the time that Reiki would continue to work when you are not present. 

Step 7. Next it is your time to close you scared circle and cleanse the area. Also, it is time you clean yourself. “Johre” White Light and any Reiki Symbols that you see or feel for the cleansing. This is an example of symbols to use. 

Thank Reiki for the Unconditional Love and Help. Thank yourself for your work and Unconditional Love for yourself and the being that you worked on.


Author's Page for Melody Allen


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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Said Reiki 2/9/2022

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!


~Melody Allen

 said Reiki! 

I found this to be an interesting read that I found on the Internet. The “I AM” statement controls what we think, believe, behavior, respond, react, create our life story, our life journey. When you state “I AM STRONG, and I AM PROTECTED” repeatedly you change the belief within yourself. What we say to ourselves, and others is what life brings to us. Have you paid attention to what you are saying? The more we pay attention to what we say and think, this is when everything changes.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it is gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain." Frank Herbert, "Dune"

We all exist in the shadow of our fears. We have learned fear, we know fear and we are comfortable with it. Fear is a vine, which has grown up with each of us. The roots are deep, the leaves healthy and we cannot fathom the reach of its tendrils. Our lives are led in reaction to fear, our choices are colored by anxiety and our thoughts dogged by apprehension. Fear is the greatest obstacle to knowledge and understanding of ourselves.

Fear is woven into the tapestry of our lives. Human beings took what nature gave them as instinct and have grown it up into an essential part of the modern human equation. We have intellectualized fear, creating a plethora of psychosis. We have even made fearing being afraid an issue of human character. We cannot think of an aspect of human behavior or emotion that does not have fear woven into it; fear of failure, fear of success, fear of love, or hate, fear of the unknown, or that we may know too much. Since shamans first crawled out of the mud, they have recognized fear as the single greatest obstacle to their practices.

The fears we learn as children stay with us and operate all our lives. We inherit a worldview filled with fears and anxiety. We learn to behave in certain ways because we are afraid of the consequences. Most human beings exist in a balance between fear and fear. The shaman's task is to unravel those fears, or any human being that wants a clearer understanding of his or herself and a richer view of the world in which they live can do the same.

So, what is fear exactly? Fear is the general and you are the foot soldier being marched around in a little circle. When fear is in control your life is lived in reaction to events, there is no real proactive control of your own destiny. When you begin looking back at the decisions you have made in your life, if you are honest with yourself, you will find fear as one of the great motivating forces in your choices and actions. Seeing that isn't always easy, sometimes you have to move back through dozens of choices and events, but eventually you will see a choice that acted as an ignition point for this line of events that was based in fear. As human beings we don't like to do that, after all, we want to appear strong and capable. Why? We're afraid of appearing weak.

Shamans know that fear works in tandem with reason to prevent us from seeing either the world or ourselves in a larger context. If you don't believe that simply look around at people who have a noticeably more narrow worldview than you do. You will see or realize they have a lot more to be a afraid of in their world than you do. The fear they have narrows their focus, prevents them from being fluid or accepting change. Since in the shamanic world fluidity, change, and an expanded worldview are paramount, eliminating fear is essential for growth. So, let's cut to the chase, how does one control or eliminate fear from life. Confronting each fear one by one would take a lifetime and beyond that a battle with fear will only convince your reason that there really must be something to be afraid of and it will help create even more fear.

Making a somewhat desperate end run around this problem, shamans figured out that by tracking back through human fear they could find the big one, which, if eliminated, would make the most difference. Needing to understand parameters, they flew in the face of death and learned something very important to the way of the shaman. They found that death itself was the big enchilada. Coming back from that doorway to eternity they discovered that coming face to face with their own physical annihilation had brought them to a place of profound detachment. The intimate knowledge and acceptance of their own deaths had erased fear.

It sounds so simple, but it is not. No better way has been found and no more difficult way can be imagined. We should always pay homage with respect to those early pioneers of the human spirit, who like some today, simply had to "know" or die in the attempt. They forced heart, mind, nerve, and sinew past the borders of human endurance, beyond this world and into the unknown. Many who went never came beck, but those that did had learned to laugh in the face of their own death, because they had seen directly into the heart of intent. They have existed in every generation and have worked without fear of their own death. They were stoned in ancient Rome, burned in the Middle Ages by their Christian priests, shunned in the age of reason, but they are still here. They will even survive the New Age and the mental flogging of modern psychology.

The fear of our own personal death is the greatest fear for human beings. You cannot take a reasonable approach, everyone can say, "Oh yes, of course I know I will die someday." You have to "know" your own death, intimately, you must feel it in your heart and hold it close to you as your best adviser. So how does that help with the rest of this house of fear we have built for ourselves? The short answer is perception. By viewing your life through the eyes of your own death you will see all the fears and the emotions triggered by them falling away. Anger, hate, indecision, and the big one, self-pity, will be brought into a new perspective; you will shed your current worldview like a snake sheds its skin.


Last edited by Beadstasher on Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:21 am; edited 1 time in total

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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Said Reiki 2/2/2022

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

Each organ has its own song that it sings, and we can release negative influences from each organ by singing the sad song using our voice."

~Melody Allen

 said Reiki! 

What to do with Emotional Pain

Emotional Pain Reiki Symbols, Hand Positions and Thoughts

"The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Usui"

By William Lee Rand 

 For more information contact Me!

~Evetta Rose~ Transform Everyday

Pages 9

It is responsibility to decide how you are going to move forward and away from your past.  After all, what happened is in the past. You can start by making small changes in your everyday life.  Every change is your conscious effort to move forward in life and to take charge of your future.

~Vianna Stibal~ Theta Healing Disease and Disorder

Pages 83

Releasing sorrow and anger from all levels through a tone from the heart. One of the most divine attributes that we posses as humans is the spoken word.

Each organ has its own song that it sings, and we can release negative influences from each organ by singing the sad song using our voice.

~Melody Allen~ Reiki Master/Teacher

Our voice is heard from the practice of Reiki…. 

The Reiki Symbol I would start with


Step 1.             Center yourself with the White Light. Aligning the room and table/chair with “Johre” White light; then Align yourself. Bringing your Reiki Fire up from the Banked position.



Step 2.            Step into the Auric field, becoming one with the being you are working on. If you are working on yourself step inside of yourself.  Bringing these symbols to start with:


Step 3.            As you start working at the Head or Feet first; face up or down first; or in the chair, you will bring other symbols of Reiki into this Place, this being. In this situation I would bring these symbols into this scenario… this is an example. Remembering to bring something for the “Pain” of an Emotions as well. From the Past, Present and Future giving permission to remove and replace with a new message. The Power of Song/Voice speaks into existence of life, into the being’s DNA. Reiki does work at the level of creation; Song/Voice/Vibration of Life. 


Step 4.            I would start with these hand positions on the front and back of the being.

1. Throat 2. Chest 3. Kidneys 4. Stomach 5. Intestines 6. Bladder 7. Head 8. Feet top and bottom 9. Auric Field 10. The beings Tree of Life 11. Akashic Records.

Step 5.            After I have done the Traditional Hand position and Knowledge Hand position, I would continue with the Body Talk and see/feel what else was needed.  

Step 6.            The next step I would step into Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen, with this symbol I would begin to work though time.  Meaning 1-minute equals 1 hour or 1-minute equals 1 day.  You would set the time that Reiki would continue to work, when you are not present. 


Step 7.            Next it is your time to close you scared circle and cleanse the area. Also, it is time you clean yourself. “Johre” White Light and any Reiki Symbols that you see or feel for the cleansing. This is an example of symbols to use.


Step 8.            Thank Reiki for the Unconditional Love and Help. Thank yourself for your work and Unconditional Love for yourself and the being that you worked on.  

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Said Reiki 2/1/2022

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“Welcome Sei  He Kei into your Heart!"

~Melody Allen

 said Reiki! 

For more information 

You can Find My Sei He Ki Journal on Amazon Here!

Welcome Sei He Ki into your Heart!


Power symbol

(Pronounced “say-ay-key”)

Key to Universe, Emotional Healing, Purification.

(Left or Right directions)

Activates your divine presence. Balance your mind and emotions, male and female energies, and left and right brains. Sei He ki heals anger, depression, sadness, fear and addictions – any difficult feelings or thoughts. It gets to the root of the problem using single or double energy. You find lost items with this powerful symbol. Traditional Japanese Reiki Practitioners call it the Harmony symbol.

Sei He Ki is your best friend, He/She is always there for you! Supporting your emotions, calming you down, cheering you up! Taking care of you. A cooling balm to raw emotions, whether they are your or someone else’s.  

Sei He Ki is my BFF! Always walking with me to help me understand what “is mine” or “it is someone else’s!” This part of Life Force from Reiki is the healing part of emotions, beliefs, intentions, thoughts, self-talk, whether it is your or Someone or something else’s. All living things have emotions!

Taggart King could not have stated it better on the Life Force of Reiki through Sei He Ki, here is an article written by Taggart King. © Taggart King February 2001


It is well established within Reiki that the energy we channel is 'intelligent'. Some people believe that the energy is innately intelligent, perhaps because of its divine origins, and some believe that the intelligence of the energy is accounted for by the presence of spirit guides who direct the energy as we treat someone. Most of us will have noticed that the energy will move from where our hands are resting to other parts of the recipient's body, drawn according to the recipient's need to areas of need, so it is clear that it doesn't always go where we send it.


Some people take a quite 'hard line' on this issue and believe that Reiki will work perfectly well no matter what hand positions you use, irrespective of the knowledge and experience of the practitioner, and whether or not the practitioner can work intuitively. The implication of this is that you could quite happily carry out a Reiki treatment by simply holding someone's hands for an hour, and the energy would be drawn to the areas of need according to the recipient's need, and we are just simple bystanders in this process.


Another view is that there are a whole range of things that a practitioner can do in order to increase the effectiveness of a treatment. Examples of this are: using ways of artificially increasing the flow of energy, using intuition to decide where to put your hands (rather than following standard hand positions), directing the energy using intent, and directing the energy using a knowledge of the meridian system for example.


I tend towards the latter view, but I think there are elements of truth in both views.

There are some inconsistencies in the first view described above. Many people will use techniques designed to balance the chakras, while believing that Reiki is intelligent and will always give the recipient what they need. Yet imposing your will on the energy and using it to balance the chakras is over-riding the way that the energy will work in the body, is it not? Surely if Reiki is an intelligent energy, then it will balance the recipient's chakras in a way that is appropriate for the individual, without the practitioner doing anything specific to achieve this. If you direct Reiki to balance a person's chakras, then you are implying that Reiki will not balance the chakras without your direct intervention. Since Reiki works on your energy system and produces beneficial effects on all levels, how could it not balance your chakras during this process?


The fact that people can develop an intuitive ability and find that their hands are guided intuitively into a combination of hand positions that is different from one person to another, and different from one treatment to another, suggests that there are combinations of hand positions that are more effective in dealing with an individual's problems that simply applying a standard template. In practice, I have found that people treated with intuitively guided hand positions find that the treatments feel in some way more relevant, more profound, more effective than when standard positions are used, and that is my impression too.


If we look to the origins of Reiki and the way that Mikao Usui taught, we can see that intuitive working was a fundamental part of the practice of Reiki, and still is in Mikao Usui's Reiki Association in Japan to this day. Why would Usui have placed so much emphasis on letting intuition guide your hands when you treated a person, if standard hand positions - or no hand positions - are just as good in terms of producing good results? He was a practical man, after all.


For the benefit of students who could not yet work intuitively, Chujiro Hayashi produced a long list of what could be described as 'good places to put your hands for different medical conditions', which suggests that certain combinations of hand positions are more effective in dealing with specific conditions that applying a standard template. Why would Dr Hayashi have produced such a list if, as many believe, Reiki is an intelligent energy that always goes where it is needed?


Personal experience tells me that there are things that you can do in order to more effectively deal with low energy levels, for example Chronic Fatigue, when compared with 'standard' treatments, and that ways of artificially increasing the flow of energy make treatments more powerful.


If we think about it, as soon as we start using any of the Reiki symbols, we are consciously over-riding the way that the energy wants to work when left to its own devices and imposing our will by directing the energy in a certain way. So, when we choose to connect to energy using the mental/emotional (harmony) symbol we are taking control of the energy and pushing it in a particular direction. This is an integral part of the Reiki system, and whether or not you use the symbols, or move on to working directly with the energies that the symbols represent, you are still over-riding the natural working of the energy. This is an essential part of the system at Second Degree and above, in original Usui Reiki, in Gakkai Reiki, and in Western Reiki.


I believe that the truth lies between these two views: that Reiki is an intelligent energy to an extent, and is drawn by the recipient's need, sometimes over-riding the way that we have directed the energy if that is required. However, there are a whole range of techniques that can be used to increase the effectiveness of our treatments, some that can be put into place using intuition and some through experience and research… and that is still Reiki. I believe that we work in partnership with the energy, and that we are not simply empty tubes through which the energy flows. Through the development of our intuition, we can understand how the energy needs to be directed by us to better help our clients: where best to put our hands, and what aspects of the energy need to be emphasized.