Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!
~Melody Allen
said Reiki!
I found this to be an interesting
read that I found on the Internet. The “I AM” statement controls what we think,
believe, behavior, respond, react, create our life story, our life journey. When
you state “I AM STRONG, and I AM PROTECTED” repeatedly you change the belief
within yourself. What we say to ourselves, and others is what life brings to
us. Have you paid attention to what you are saying? The more we pay attention
to what we say and think, this is when everything changes.
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that
brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over
me and through me. And when it is gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see
its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain." Frank Herbert, "Dune"
We all exist in the shadow of our fears. We have learned fear, we know fear and
we are comfortable with it. Fear is a vine, which has grown up with each of us.
The roots are deep, the leaves healthy and we cannot fathom the reach of its
tendrils. Our lives are led in reaction to fear, our choices are colored by
anxiety and our thoughts dogged by apprehension. Fear is the greatest obstacle
to knowledge and understanding of ourselves.
Fear is woven into the tapestry of our lives. Human beings took what nature
gave them as instinct and have grown it up into an essential part of the modern
human equation. We have intellectualized fear, creating a plethora of
psychosis. We have even made fearing being afraid an issue of human character.
We cannot think of an aspect of human behavior or emotion that does not have
fear woven into it; fear of failure, fear of success, fear of love, or hate,
fear of the unknown, or that we may know too much. Since shamans first crawled
out of the mud, they have recognized fear as the single greatest obstacle to
their practices.
The fears we learn as children stay with us and operate all our lives. We
inherit a worldview filled with fears and anxiety. We learn to behave in
certain ways because we are afraid of the consequences. Most human beings exist
in a balance between fear and fear. The shaman's task is to unravel those
fears, or any human being that wants a clearer understanding of his or herself
and a richer view of the world in which they live can do the same.
So, what is fear exactly? Fear is the general and you are the foot soldier
being marched around in a little circle. When fear is in control your life is
lived in reaction to events, there is no real proactive control of your own
destiny. When you begin looking back at the decisions you have made in your
life, if you are honest with yourself, you will find fear as one of the great
motivating forces in your choices and actions. Seeing that isn't always easy,
sometimes you have to move back through dozens of choices and events, but
eventually you will see a choice that acted as an ignition point for this line
of events that was based in fear. As human beings we don't like to do that,
after all, we want to appear strong and capable. Why? We're afraid of appearing
Shamans know that fear works in tandem with reason to prevent us from seeing
either the world or ourselves in a larger context. If you don't believe that
simply look around at people who have a noticeably more narrow worldview than
you do. You will see or realize they have a lot more to be a afraid of in their
world than you do. The fear they have narrows their focus, prevents them from
being fluid or accepting change. Since in the shamanic world fluidity, change,
and an expanded worldview are paramount, eliminating fear is essential for
growth. So, let's cut to the chase, how does one control or eliminate fear from
life. Confronting each fear one by one would take a lifetime and beyond that a
battle with fear will only convince your reason that there really must be
something to be afraid of and it will help create even more fear.
Making a somewhat desperate end run around this problem, shamans figured out
that by tracking back through human fear they could find the big one, which, if
eliminated, would make the most difference. Needing to understand parameters,
they flew in the face of death and learned something very important to the way
of the shaman. They found that death itself was the big enchilada. Coming back
from that doorway to eternity they discovered that coming face to face with
their own physical annihilation had brought them to a place of profound detachment.
The intimate knowledge and acceptance of their own deaths had erased fear.
It sounds so simple, but it is not. No better way has been found and no more
difficult way can be imagined. We should always pay homage with respect to
those early pioneers of the human spirit, who like some today, simply had to
"know" or die in the attempt. They forced heart, mind, nerve, and
sinew past the borders of human endurance, beyond this world and into the
unknown. Many who went never came beck, but those that did had learned to laugh
in the face of their own death, because they had seen directly into the heart
of intent. They have existed in every generation and have worked without fear
of their own death. They were stoned in ancient Rome, burned in the Middle Ages
by their Christian priests, shunned in the age of reason, but they are still
here. They will even survive the New Age and the mental flogging of modern
The fear of our own personal death is the greatest fear for human beings. You
cannot take a reasonable approach, everyone can say, "Oh yes, of course I
know I will die someday." You have to "know" your own death,
intimately, you must feel it in your heart and hold it close to you as your
best adviser. So how does that help with the rest of this house of fear we have
built for ourselves? The short answer is perception. By viewing your life
through the eyes of your own death you will see all the fears and the emotions
triggered by them falling away. Anger, hate, indecision, and the big one, self-pity,
will be brought into a new perspective; you will shed your current worldview
like a snake sheds its skin.
Last edited by Beadstasher on Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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