Thursday, April 2, 2020

Said Reiki 2/23/2020

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“Out of Eternity
the new day is born;
Into Eternity at night will return."

~Thomas Carlyle

Motor Zanon said Reiki! 

For more information 

Said Reiki 2/22/2020

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” 

"To see the things of the present moment
is to see all that s now,
all that has been since time began,
and all that shall be unto the world's end;
for all things are of 
one kind and one form. 

~Marcus Aurelius

Mer Ka Fa Ka Lish Ma said Reiki! 

For more information 

Said Reiki 2/21/2020

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“You arise.
Give thanks for your life and strength.
Give thanks for your food.
And give thanks for the joy of living.
And if perchance you see
no reason to give thanks
Rest assured the fault is your." 

~American Indian saying

Johnre (White Light) said Reiki! 

For more information 

Said Reiki 2/20/2020

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“O Hidden Life vibrant in every atom,
O Hidden Light! shining in every creature,
O Hidden Love! embracing all in Oneness,
May each who feels himself as one with Thee,
Know he is also one with every other.

~Annie Besant

Lon Say said Reiki! 

For more information 

Said Reiki 2/19/2020

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“WE venerate the Three Treasures:
Buddha, Dharma, Sangha,
And are thankful for this meal,
The work of many people
And the sharing of other forms of life.

~Zen prayer

Len So My and The Midas Star said Reiki! 

For more information 

Said Reiki 2/18/2020

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“May the Ocean of Salt, the Ocean of 
Honey, the Ocean of Wine, the Ocean
of Ghee, the Ocean of Curd, the
Ocean of Milk, the Ocean of Sweet
Water sprinkle thee with their
consecrated waters. 

~Mahanirvana Tantra X

Kriya said Reiki! 

For more information 

Said Reiki 2/17/2020

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“Food is not matter
but the heart of matter,
the flesh and blood of
rock and water, earth and sun.

Food is not a commodity
which price can capture,
but exacting effort,
carefully sustained,
the life work of countless

With this cooking I enter
the heart f matter,
I enter the intimate activity
which makes dreams materialize."

~Edward Espe Brown

Lava said Reiki! 

For more information 

Said Reiki 2/16/2020

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“A certain day became a presence to me,
there it was, confronting me -- a sky, air, light;
a being.  And before it started to descend 
from the height of noon, it leaned over
and struck my shoulder as if with the flat off a sword, granting me
honor and a task.  The day's blow
rang out, metallic -- or it was I, a bell awakened,
and what I heard was my whole self
saying and singing what it knew: I can

~Denise Levertov

Hosana said Reiki! 

For more information 

Said Reiki 2/15/2020

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“The food which we are about to eat
Is Earth, Water, and Sun, compounded through the alchemy
of many plants.
Therefore Earth, water and Sun will become part of us
This food is also the fruits of the labor of many beings and 
We are grateful for it.
May it give us strength, health, joy.
And may it increase our love. 

~Unitarian Prayer

Ho Ka O ili ili said Reiki! 

For more information 

Said Reiki 2/14/2020

Look for daily quotes on uplifting “Reiki Said” for your life!

“Earth, water, air, and fire combined to make this food.
Numberless beings have died and labored that we may eat.
May we be nourished that we may nourish life. 

~Ojai School

Heal the Healers said Reiki! 

For more information